Best text marketing practices for cinemas

Our guide explores the most effective text marketing strategies for cinemas, from exclusive showtime alerts to enticing promotions, ensuring your theater remains the top choice for movie enthusiasts.

Alexa Lemzy September 11, 2017
Alexa Lemzy Customer support person. Interested in customer success, growth, marketing and technology. Passionate about content, reading and travel.
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Alexa Lemzy Customer support person. Interested in customer success, growth, marketing and technology. Passionate about content, reading and travel.
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Why use SMS marketing?
  • SMS product launch checklist
  • 1. Create a product launch plan
  • 2. Generate awareness and engagement before the launch
  • 3. Make an impression on launch day
  • 4. Keep the excitement going post-launch
  • New product launch message samples
  • Conclusions