The Textmagic Blog

Text messaging service provider Textmagic brings to you the latest news,
trends and inspiring ideas on how to grow your small business.

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security September 27, 2023
Smishing uncovered: How to protect yourself from SMS phishing and fraud

At one point or another, you might have gotten one of those SMS messages that look like promotions. But then, they pop up without ...

business September 25, 2023
Geofencing vs geotargeting: Which is the best for your business

Location-based marketing strategies such as geofencing and geotargeting have emerged as innovative solutions for businesses aiming...

business September 14, 2023
Why you need audio text messaging: Benefits and use cases

Text messages, once the dominant mode of exchanging information and emotions, are being complemented, and in some cases, eclipsed ...

sms September 7, 2023
SMS geofencing: What it is and how does it work

Geofencing is one of the latest technological advancements in business and marketing. Companies small and large adopt it to promot...

security August 31, 2023
Scam text message examples and how to protect yourself from SMS phishing

Text message scams, also known as SMS scams or text message fraud, refer to deceptive and fraudulent schemes conducted through tex...

marketing August 25, 2023
How to use ChatGPT for SMS marketing success

SMS marketing is a powerful marketing strategy that uses text messages to reach a specific audience directly on mobile phones. It ...

developers August 2, 2023
SOAP vs REST API for A2P messaging: Choosing the right approach

Application-to-Person (A2P) messaging has emerged as a powerful communication channel for businesses to engage with their customer...

guides July 31, 2023
Quick guide on how to maintain your smartphone

In a world where digitalization meets technology, smartphones have never been more important. Not only do they boost the efficienc...

sms July 21, 2023
Maximizing SMS marketing impact with Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS)

SMS messaging has long been a top marketing strategy for small and large businesses. Now, it gets even better with the introductio...