How to use SMS for property management: Benefits, use cases, and templates

Leveraging SMS for property management offers numerous benefits and versatile use cases. Discover how to streamline property management tasks with SMS and access helpful templates to get started.

Raluca Mocanu January 11, 2023
Raluca Mocanu Raluca Mocanu is a copywriter at Textmagic and began her content writing journey in 2016. She loves traveling, reading, on-stage drama and recently discovered a deep interest in psychology.
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Raluca Mocanu Raluca Mocanu is a copywriter at Textmagic and began her content writing journey in 2016. She loves traveling, reading, on-stage drama and recently discovered a deep interest in psychology.
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Why use SMS marketing?
  • SMS product launch checklist
  • 1. Create a product launch plan
  • 2. Generate awareness and engagement before the launch
  • 3. Make an impression on launch day
  • 4. Keep the excitement going post-launch
  • New product launch message samples
  • Conclusions