Why millennials love texting [Infographic]

Understand millennials' love for texting through our engaging infographic, which highlights the key factors that make SMS their go-to method for staying connected.

Anastasia Svyrydenko May 9, 2019
Anastasia Svyrydenko Content marketing specialist. Always in pursuit of new content ideas and ways to promote them. In love with writing, watching sci-fi, and baking.
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Anastasia Svyrydenko Content marketing specialist. Always in pursuit of new content ideas and ways to promote them. In love with writing, watching sci-fi, and baking.
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Why use SMS marketing?
  • SMS product launch checklist
  • 1. Create a product launch plan
  • 2. Generate awareness and engagement before the launch
  • 3. Make an impression on launch day
  • 4. Keep the excitement going post-launch
  • New product launch message samples
  • Conclusions